The topic for the Satsang on Sunday, 21st October, 2012 was Bharat ke Sant (Hindi) i.e. Saints of India.
Following is the transcript of the speech made by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra and Smt. Hansaji Yogendra on the topic.
"You see, these kind of perceptions, they don’t happen usually. Seeing individuals who are experiencing difficulties in life and yet they are able to maintain their calm quiet state of mind and carry on with their work, this is a unique thing. We use these words like ‘Sant’ and ‘Mahatma’, sometimes these words are also misused, so we lose faith in these words. So the fact is that a person who can rise to this level and face situations, and yet carry on ones duties wholeheartedly, happily, is the right kind of person. Because in life, problems will come, there will be insurmountable difficulties. We have only one thing to do - carry on our work. Nothing other than that we can do; however much we cry and weep and think but we have limitations. We have two hands, two feet, and we have strength, and we have some things to do, so let us engage ourselves in the things we have to do and leave the other things away. I think this is a message, which will do each one of us a lot of good."
Q & A
Following is the transcript of the speech made by Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra and Smt. Hansaji Yogendra on the topic.
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Smt. Hansaji and Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra |
When we talk of Saints, an inner strength develops because
these are models that teach us how life should be lived. They are totally
harmless people. Helping others is part of their nature. There is no Ahamkara (Ego) and so no anger, worry,
etc. because all these are the outcome of ego. In place of ego, they have God.
The first chapter of the Yoga Sutras says – Citta Vritti Nirodha. Why should it be
done? The next sutra says, Tada Drstuh
Swaroope Avasthanam. Our true Swaroop
(Self) which is God-like is understood when the Citta Vrittis are stopped. The next sutra says Vritti Saroopyam Itaratra, which means that our attention can
either be on the material world or on Isvar,
not on both together.
We tend to try that. To improve business, we keep taking
God’s name at work but in the mind we are thinking only of material gains and
business. If a little serious attention is given to God for a while, a man can
become better and do honest business and walk on the right path.
Saints are different. They see God in everything. “Zarre Zarre Mein Khuda Hai.” They don’t
just say this, they feel and experience this. The ‘I’ sense is nowhere to be
Once, a man invited a Saint for a meal to his house because
he believed that with just the presence of such a person, problems of the house
go away. So he forced the Saint to come visit. When the Saint reached there,
the man was not there and the family did not know about it. They thought he was
a beggar and told him to get out. So the Saint went and sat under a nearby
tree. When the man returned home and saw the Saint, he invited him in and went
to get some food. Again a family member entered and asked him to get out. This
happened around four times but the Saint had no complaints. He remained there
because the man had invited him and would feel bad if he did not stay. When the
man found out about this, he felt very sad and said to the Saint, “Didn’t you
feel bad at such an insult? You are great!” The Saint replied that he was not
great, even a dog would behave the way he did. We can learn from animals. This
is the perspective of a Saint.
Another example is of Allah Diya Khan, the Guru of the sitar player, Ravi Shankar.
The Guru was to be felicitated and a
lot of decoration was done. He was called at 6 pm and he reached there on time
but there was no one there. The watchman did not allow him to enter as he was
very simply dressed in a dhoti and he
did not recognize him. When people started coming, he tried to enter again but
the watchman still did not allow it so he went to the foot path opposite the
gate and sat down on the ground. Later people came searching for him, found him
and his only reply was, “What could I do? I tried entering twice but was not
allowed.” Such a simple answer with no anger. A normal person would have
reacted very differently, getting insulted and angry.
Such people have a very different outlook to life. Seeing
beauty in everything, seeing God in everything and everyone, no ego or
expectations, no anger or hatred, all these are qualities of a Saint.
Meerabai was asked to drink poison and she drank it but did
not die because she was one with God, detached from the body. Life or death
meant nothing to her. She began walking and visiting temples of Krsna. In one
of them, she was stopped because ladies were not allowed in. She said that for
her, the only Purusa is God and all
the rest are women. The man who stopped her was wise and he let her in. In
spirituality there is no man and woman, it is just a small physical difference.
In Samkhya, Purusa Vishesh is
considered the highest and the rest is Prakriti which is female. We have both
in us.
When ever we are upset, sad or anxious, it is important to
remember that these problems were faced
even by Saints. In fact, Meerabai was given poison, whereas we would
just be given a few bad words by someone. If they can remain in a wonderful
state inspite of all that, why not try the same?
Accept the different personalities of people and don’t get
sad. Remember these models and take inspiration from them. We just have to try.
Q & A
Q. Can Saints exist
in today’s world?
Dr. Jayadeva: Saints
will be there but we will have to search for them because there are too many
wrong kind of people and false people around. So it is difficult to judge who
is a true Saint and who is not.
Smt. Hansaji: It is
definitely difficult to find out because they all look alike. In old times,
Gods and Raksasas looked different so
it was easy to identify them but now everyone looks alike, very lovely from
outside but internally different. There
are Saints now also and even good people, we just have to be careful. In any
case, Saints are just models, we don’t have to go to them or worship them
because every human has that purity within. Every human is potentially divine.
Q. When will our ego
Dr. Jayadeva: It
will never end, not as long as we are alive.
Smt. Hansaji: Yoga is
the path to follow to reduce ego. Just practice Ahimsa alone and you will see how much your ego reduces. Yamas help reduce ego but we have to
work on ourselves, otherwise till we die, ego remains.
Q. If God is in
everyone, then why was there fighting in Mahabharat?
Dr. Jayadeva: Well,
these are questions only, we don’t know the answers.
Smt. Hansaji: Do you
understand the word zero? If zero is removed from zero, it remains zero. If
zero is added to zero, it remains zero. This is the whole point Krsna was
making to Arjuna (in Bhagwad Gita) that you are killing but you can’t kill
anybody. A soul cannot be killed. It is eternal, permanent. But Adharma had to be removed. Arjuna was a
soldier and it was his duty to remove anyone who came in Dharma’s way. This is why Mahabharat occurred.
Q. In a family life,
where there is materialistic thinking, how can a saintly life be lived?
Dr. Jayadeva: We
do not need to ask anyone to live a saintly life. Just keep doing the right
thing. There is no need for a certificate for it.
Smt. Hansaji: All the
Sainta that we are talking of were not considered Saints when they were alive.
They had many threats. It is only now after 5-700 years that we consider them
as Saints. A person should be good, should have a certain understanding and be
on the path of spirituality if you want to handle problems with care. So let us
be on that path.
Q. Is it true that
with the blessing of a Guru or Saint,
wealth showers upon us and there are no problems in life?
Dr. Jayadeva: See,
Isvar Kripa (God’s blessings) is on all
of us and on the Saint also. Saints have such qualities that they do right
things and are later called Saints. Every person is a Saint but they do not do
these things and so become normal people.
Smt. Hansaji: If you
think that abundance of money removes all problems, you are mistaken. People
with lots of money have different problems and people with little money have
different problems, but problems are there. In life, pain and suffering keep
coming. We don’t have to run away from problems, we just have to look at them
from a different perspective so that we can live a good life.
Q. Is it possible to
accept the life of a Saint leaving the family which is a reality?
Dr. Jayadeva: See,
when a person reaches a certain state of understanding, the person considers
that important. Gandhiji, like an ordinary man could have set up a business and
looked after his wife. He took up another work – good of the people, trying to
bring independence to India and may have neglected the care of his children,
but he did more work this way in bringing independence to India.
Smt. Hansaji: Actually
Saints are not leaving their families. They are living in the world but are
detached from it. There is no ‘I’ or ‘Mine’ and so there is no ‘My family.’ The
whole world becomes their family. They are beyond that. We should understand
them as they are.
Q. My wife has too
much blind faith and I don’t. What to do?
Dr. Jayadeva: Since
you have married her, you have to accept her.
Smt. Hansaji: Live and
let live. Let her have blind faith. If she forces you to do some ritual, do it,
what’s the harm? After all, you have to live together.
Q. Even after being
very careful in business, I keep getting loss. What to do?
Dr. Jayadeva: Now
it won’t happen.
Smt. Hansaji: Why not
believe that? Keep doing your work and maybe what you think is a loss may not
really be so. A man who did not earn much money had a family that had good
habits and which worked together, united. Sometimes there is a lot of money but
no such thing as a family. So there might be loss on one side but gain
somewhere else. Do not see from your angle. Keep doing your work and believe
that what happens happens for the good.
Q. What is the first
step towards becoming a Saint?
Dr. Jayadeva: There
is no step at all.
Smt. Hansaji: Saints
do not need organized systematic steps. But follow the path of yoga, of
spirituality and that will come to you on the way.
Satsang is an open meeting held every Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 am at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz East, Mumbai. It involves an interesting presentation to the public, made by the students of the Teacher Training Course. Each week, a new presentation of a Yogic concept is made in a simple way through skits and decoration for the general public, followed by a short speech from our Gurus, Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji Yogendra.